Faith Fahy Financial Advisor

Financial Advice Galway

091 765360
Unit 9 Glenrock House, Glenrock Business Park
Ballybane Industrial Estate
091 765360
Unit 9 Glenrock House, Glenrock Business Park
Ballybane Industrial Estate

Savings and Investments

Start your Savings & Investments here

Everyone benefits from saving

We will analyse your needs and prioritise them. Your investment portfolio will then be tailored to meet your financial short and long term requirements. We take into consideration your objectives, time frame and risk profile. Saving even small amounts regularly will help you to:

  • Manage your money and cope with unexpected expenses and emergencies
  • Afford things you need in the future e.g. car, deposit for house etc.
  • Ease financial stress, invest funds that have been inherited, saved or earned
  • Establish a fund for your children’s education
  • Invest your Tax-Free lump sum at retirement
  • Build up a ‘Rainy Day’ / Emergency Fund

Types of Investment and savings:

  • Lump Sum Investments
  • Regular Savings Plans
  • Children’s Education

For more information on savings & investments, contact Faith Fahy.